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Why Lexus refits pneumatic shock absorber to share into global culture

1999年起,雷克萨斯品牌连续11年位居美国豪华汽车销量第一的宝座。2005年,雷克萨斯成功打入日本本土市场,也因此成为在全球均有销售的高级轿车品牌。初时雷克萨斯在美国国内以“热切追求完美”(The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection)作为宣传口号,后来以“追求完美”(The Pursuit of Perfection)作为在全球国家和地区的行销格言,直到2013年,其宣传口号改为Amazing in Motion。

Lexus (English: Lexus; Japanese: Kawakami, founded in 1983, is a world famous luxury car brand of Toyota group. It only took more than ten years for the brand to sell more than Mercedes Benz and BMW in North America.
Since 1999, Lexus has ranked the first in the sales of luxury cars in the United States for 11 consecutive years. In 2005, Lexus successfully entered the Japanese domestic market and became a premium car brand with global sales. At first, Lexus used "the passion pursuit of perfection" as its slogan in the United States. Later, it used "the pursuit of perfection" as its marketing motto in countries and regions around the world. Until 2013, its slogan was changed to "amazing in motion".

早在1999年的时候,北美加洲的几个时装潮流人士(Mark Arcenal, Andy, Jerry...)非常热衷于汽车漂移运动,因此他们会观看,参加一些日本和美国当地漂移赛车的活动。
在2004年的时候,当时日本有一种漂移车的外观风格就是利用了宽边和offset很低的轮轂,和拉伸很大的轮胎(Stretched Tires)来体现了自己赛车很富有进攻性的外表。

Pneumatic shock absorber global culture
As early as 1999, several fashion trendsetters in North America (mark arcenal, Andy, Jerry...) were very keen on car drift, so they would watch and take part in some local drift car activities in Japan and the United States.
In 2004, there was a drift car appearance style in Japan at that time, that is, it used wide rims, low offset wheels and stretched tires to show its aggressive appearance.

然后这几个潮流人士就开始模仿这种风格并把他们服装公司自己的漂移练习车向这个风格上靠拢。当时他们没有给这种风格起任何名字,直到一天他们的其中一员Jerry在看到刚刚打造好的漂移战车时随口说了一句:“Damn, this thing is HellaFlush!" 从此HellaFlush由此得名。HellaFlush的中心思想是什麼?為什麼要HellaFlush?
Then these trendsetters began to imitate this style and move their company's own drift training car towards this style. At that time, they didn't give any name to this style until one day when one of their members, Jerry, saw the newly built drifting chariot and said, "Damn, this thing is hellaflush“ From then on, hellaflush got its name. What is the central idea of Hella flush? Why Hella flush?

HellaFlush 的中心思想就是Offset is everything。负值就是一切。正确的负值才能给你正确的齐平效果. 同样轮轂宽度也有很大作用,但是在凹凸性很强的轮轂和宽边轮轂上,轮轂本身的宽度更显重要。
The central idea of hellaflush is offset is everything. Negative is everything. The correct negative value can give you the correct leveling effect. Similarly, the hub width also plays a great role, but in the concave convex hub and wide edge hub, the width of the hub itself is more important.

HellaFlush让世界诞生了一个组织:Wrong Fitment Crew,给了我们一个解释“原来错误的也可以变的很正确的”(“where "Wrong" could be so "Right")。这裡的错误是指传统意义上错误的offset,正确的是指HellaFlush审美观下正确的安装效果。 HellaFlush 不是一个非常严肃的课题,不是一段非常幼稚无知的外观改装风潮,不是一次速度与激情这种汽车电影的餘波,也不是一个能让所有人都理解都欣赏的风格。 HellaFlush不是简简单单一个“泛”,裡面饱含了太多的执著和艰辛,汗水和等待,一个“泛”是不能概括的。这是一个不懂的人永远不会达成,懂的人永远不会走错的态度。 最关键的,HellaFlush不分车型,不分高低贵贱。如今的改装车友,开始在走自己的独特路线,为的就是展现自身的品位。HellaFlush改装就是目前最能展现品味的改装风格。
Hellaflush gave birth to an organization in the world: wrong fit crew, which gives us an explanation: "where" wrong "can be so" right ". The error here refers to the wrong offset in the traditional sense, and the correct one refers to the correct installation effect under hellaflush aesthetic. Hella flush is not a very serious topic, not a very naive and ignorant fashion of appearance modification, not a sequel of speed and passion, nor a style that can be understood and appreciated by all. Hella flush is not a simple "pan", which is full of too much perseverance and hardship, sweat and waiting. A "pan" can not be summarized. This is an attitude that people who do not understand will never achieve and those who understand will never go wrong. The most important thing is that hellaflush doesn't matter whether it's high or low. Today's refitted riders begin to take their own unique route in order to show their own taste. Hellaflush modification is the most tasteful modification style at present.

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛

Company name: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd
English Name: airbft
Address: Shuangdian Industrial Park, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (Nantong factory of Songjiang group)
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com

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