VW Polo changed into a close to ground posture after refitting pneumatic shock absorber
Volkswagen Polo was born in 1975. In the following 30 years, it has gone through five generations of product evolution, with a total output of more than 7 million vehicles. It once ranked first in the sales volume of economic small cars in Germany for a long time, and is known as the "magic boy" of Volkswagen. For a long time, Polo car has been regarded as the standard of reliability, comfort and safety for economical small car.
大众POLO系列已经发布了几十年,历经多代演变,现在也是越加优秀了, 被德国车友称为德国大众的神奇小子, 著名国民岳父赛车手韩寒的赛车也是基于POLO改装而来,说道汽车改装,就不得不提AIRBFT气动避震,今天的这辆没有往竞技赛事的方向发展,而是追求Hella Flush改装。Hella Flush改装不在乎车型,只要你有一颗想要改装的心就可以,通过在AIRBFT给爱车改装空气悬挂,在降低车身后完全实现了Hella Flush的视觉效果,不得不说一句棒棒的!
The Volkswagen Polo series has been released for decades. After generations of evolution, it is now becoming more and more excellent. It is called the magic boy of Volkswagen by German riders. The car of Han Han, the famous father-in-law racing driver, is also modified based on polo. When it comes to car modification, we have to mention airbft pneumatic shock absorber. Today's car is not developing in the direction of competitive events, It's the pursuit of Hella flush. Hella flush refitting doesn't care about the car model, as long as you have a heart to refit. By refitting the air suspension for your car in airbft, the visual effect of Hella flush is completely realized after lowering the body. I have to say that it's great!
先来分解一下这个单词HellaFlush=Hella Flush 也就是有两个部分,一个是Hella,另一个是Flush。Hella是Hell of的缩写,意思是特别的,非常的,绝对的,超级的;Flush是齐平的意思。所以这里要非常明白两点:1. HellaFlush的形成首先要满足是Flush也就是齐平轮毂轮胎,然后才有资格从Flush向HellaFlush努力;
2. 车身高度一定要尽量低,从车的侧面看绝对不能在轮胎和叶子板之间有空隙。
HellaFlush已经趋向为一种品味的认证越来越流行,越来越被大众所接受,无论类型车种贫富贵贱, 所以,一起加入这个运动吧!
Let's break down the word hellaflush = hellaflush, which means there are two parts, one is Hella, the other is flush. Hella is the abbreviation of hellof, which means special, extraordinary, absolute and super; Flush means flush. So here are two things to be very clear about:
1. The formation of hellaflush must first satisfy the requirement of flush, that is, flat wheel hub tire, and then be qualified to work hard from flush to hellaflush;
2. The body height must be as low as possible. From the side of the car, there must be no gap between the tire and the leaf plate.
Hellaflush has become a kind of taste certification, more and more popular, more and more accepted by the public, regardless of the type of car, rich or poor, so join the movement!
公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛
Company name: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd
English Name: airbft
Address: Shuangdian Industrial Park, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (Nantong factory of Songjiang group)
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com