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“靓仔” 宝马Z4E89AIRBFT气动避震低趴改装施工展示









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发表于 2020-12-10 15:17:17 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  “靓仔” 宝马Z4E89AIRBFT气动避震低趴改装施工展示
"Liangzai" BMW z4e89airbft pneumatic shock absorber refitting Construction Exhibition

新一代Z4敞篷跑车问世,BMW Z4作为宝马敞篷跑车的现代传人,将宝马产品高贵与运动的血统一脉相承,而外形上也比上一代英俊,
头长尾短的设计带有点英式跑车味道,但如果人有我有的外观的确看不出其个性所在和车主的品味高低,因此下面介绍一套极为“靓仔”(意思为有个性好看的)的 Z4 E89 3D-design bod ykit 包围套装,前头唇采用注重稳定的流线型设计,而车尾套件则是碳纤维材质的扰流板,外加上斯文的鸭舌小尾翼还有尾箱盖上的高位制动灯,令到新Z4马上狂野起来。

A new generation of Z4 roadster has come out. As a modern descendant of BMW convertible, BMW Z4 inherits the noble and sports pedigree of BMW products in one continuous line, and it is also more handsome than the previous generation in appearance,
The design with a long head and a short tail has a bit of British style sports car flavor. However, if people have the appearance I have, I really can't see its personality and the taste of the owner. Therefore, we will introduce a set of Z4 E89 3D design BOD ykit, which is very "pretty" (meaning that it has a good personality) Surrounded by a streamlined front lip design that pays attention to stability, the rear package is a carbon fiber spoiler, a sleek canard tail and a high brake light on the boot cover, which makes the new Z4 wild.

From the first time I saw the car refitted with pneumatic shock absorber to now, I am deeply trapped in it, and I have experienced a lot of twists and turns! Also learned a lot about pneumatic shock absorber refitting knowledge!

三段记忆功能:车主可以自行的设置高位,正常,低位三个不同的高度模式,通过按键1 2 3 一键升到或者是降到适合当前路况的高度,高速时可以降到1档低位行驶,降低重心来增强车子的稳定性和降低风阻,还能从一定程度上节省燃油,城市或者是乡村可以升到2档正常的高度来行驶,可以应付大部分路况,如果遇到非常差劲的路况的话可以把车子升到3档,来提高通过性,从最低升到最高大概有12公分左右的行程!3个不同高度的档位可以随时的快速切换!

The components of pneumatic shock absorber are divided into control system and pneumatic shock absorber barrel body!
First of all, the pneumatic shock absorber control system. Now the mainstream control systems are generally divided into two types: those with memory mode and those without memory mode. Those with memory mode have to mention the control system of airbft first. It should be the first system to enter China. Its stability and convenience of use are trusted and liked by many riders! Let's talk about its function and intelligence!
Three segment memory function: the car owner can set three different height modes: high position, normal position and low position by pressing the key 1, 2, 3 One button up or down to the height suitable for the current road conditions, high speed can be reduced to the first gear, low driving, reduce the center of gravity to enhance the stability of the car and reduce the wind resistance, but also to a certain extent save fuel. The city or the countryside can rise to the second gear normal height to drive, can deal with most of the road conditions, if encounter very bad road conditions, you can raise the car to 3 Gear, to improve the trafficability, from the lowest to the highest about 12 cm journey! Three gears of different heights can be quickly switched at any time!

在改装避震器主要选择分三种,分别是竞技短弹簧,套装,绞牙。这几种功能不同,价格也相差不少。选择适最适合自己的一款避震才是最重要的。那到底什么是适合自己的避震器呢?更换改装避震器后,首先要承担的就是舒适度损失,所以如果你还是对车辆舒适性比较追求的话那么在这里小编建议你还是不要更换的好,如果稍微损失一些没有什么问题的话,更换套装不仅可以提高车辆的操控性而且不会损失过多的舒适性。因为套装的出现,就是为在原车避震器的大结构上提高车辆的操控性能。不过避震套装也有许多不足,第一,售价略贵、第二,阻尼以及高低不可调整,第三,目前避震套装的选择,主要品牌还都集中在欧系车中,日系车套装并不热门。不过可能对许多资深玩家来说,避震套装已经完全不能够达到他们的需求,那么绞牙避震就成了他们的首选。绞牙这个词其实来源于中国的香港,其真正全称为Height. Adjustable. Damper有可调避震器阻尼段数以及车身高度的含义。看到这个名称我想我也没必要过多介绍它的功能了,全在名字里体现了。不过小编还是要插一句,更换绞牙避震后虽然可以得到理想的车身高度以及操控性能,但是却建立在损失百分之60的舒适上,所以更换前最好做好心理准备。

There are three main choices in refitting shock absorbers, which are competitive short spring, suit and twisted teeth. These functions are different and the prices are quite different. The most important thing is to choose the best one for yourself. So what is the right shock absorber for you? After replacing and refitting the shock absorber, the first thing to bear is the loss of comfort. Therefore, if you still pursue the comfort of the vehicle, then I suggest you don't replace it here. If there is no problem with a little loss, the replacement package can not only improve the handling of the vehicle, but also avoid losing too much comfort. Because the appearance of the suit is to improve the handling performance of the vehicle on the large structure of the original shock absorber. However, there are also many deficiencies in shock absorbers. First, the price is a little expensive. Second, damping and height can not be adjusted. Third, at present, the main brands of shock absorbers are still concentrated in European cars. Japanese car suits are not popular. However, for many senior players, the shock suit has not been able to meet their needs, so the first choice for them is to hang teeth. Actually, the word "twisted teeth" comes from Hong Kong, China. Its real full name is height. Adjustable. Damper, which means the number of damping segments of adjustable shock absorbers and body height. Seeing this name, I don't think I need to introduce its functions too much. It's all reflected in the name. However, Xiaobian has to add that although the ideal body height and handling performance can be obtained after replacing the hinge suspension, it is based on the loss of 60% of the comfort, so it is best to be psychologically prepared before replacement.

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛
English Name: airbft
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com

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