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发表于 2020-11-13 13:59:32 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

"Enjoy driving BMW's new 5-series g38airbft pneumatic shock absorber

汽车改装属于汽车后市场的一种产物,与我们的生活联系越来越紧密,许多车型因为原厂的设计比较平庸,不能满足玩家的要求,因此就出现了改装行业的繁荣现象,各种车型的改装在我们的生活中都能见到,一些经典老车或是新款的车型都有不同的群体玩家,  气动避震悬挂的改装属于一种外观的姿态改装,以贴地的美感博的玩家们的好感,视觉的强烈冲击和反常规状态引起强烈的共鸣,今天我们就来看看最新款宝马5系改装AIRBFT气动避震悬挂拥有怎么的姿态效果!

Car refitting is a product of the automotive aftermarket, and it is more and more closely related to our life. Many models can not meet the requirements of the players because of the mediocre design of the original factory. Therefore, there is a prosperous phenomenon in the refitting industry. The refitting of various models can be seen in our life. Some classic old cars or new models have different groups of players, The refitting of pneumatic suspension belongs to a kind of posture modification of appearance. It has the feeling of touching the ground, the good feeling of the players, the strong visual impact and the unconventional state. Today, we will take a look at the posture effect of the latest BMW 5 Series Modified airbft pneumatic suspension!

在气动避震的作用下,把车子降到一个最低的状态、给汽车赋予了灵魂打造了自己的专属!这个就是HellaFlush!HellaFlush不是简简单单一个“范儿”,裡面饱含了太多的执著和艰辛,汗水和等待,一个“范儿”是不能概括的。这是一个不懂的人永远不会达成,懂的人永远不会走错的态度。 最关键的,HellaFlush不分车型,不分高低贵贱

In the role of pneumatic shock absorber, the car to a minimum state, give the car a soul, create their own exclusive! This is Hella flush! Hella flush is not a simple "fan". It is full of persistence and hardship, sweat and waiting. A "fan" can not be summarized. This is a person who does not understand will never achieve, understand people will never go wrong attitude. The most important thing is that Hella flush doesn't differentiate between models, high and low

先来分解一下这个单词HellaFlush=Hella Flush 也就是有两个部分,一个是Hella,另一个是Flush。Hella是Hell of的缩写,意思是特别的,非常的,绝对的,超级的;Flush是齐平的意思。所以这里要非常明白两点:
1. HellaFlush的形成首先要满足是Flush也就是齐平轮毂轮胎,然后才有资格从Flush向HellaFlush努力;
2. 车身高度一定要尽量低,从车的侧面看绝对不能在轮胎和叶子板之间有空隙。

Hellaflush has become an international appearance trend of refitted cars. With the development and progress of domestic refitted cars, more and more are accepted by the public. HF model has also become a symbol of taste
Let's break down the word hellaflush = Hella flush, that is, there are two parts, one is Hella, the other is flush. Hella is the abbreviation of "hell of", which means special, extraordinary, absolute and super; flush means flush. So here are two things to understand
1. The formation of hellaflush must first satisfy the requirements of flush, that is, flat wheel tires, and then be qualified to make efforts from flush to hellaflush;
2. The body height must be as low as possible, and there must be no gap between the tire and the vane from the side of the car.
Nowadays, hellaflush has become an international appearance trend of refitted cars. It is becoming more and more popular and is more and more accepted by the public. No matter what type of car is, hellaflush has become a kind of taste certification. So, join the movement!

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛

Company name: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd
English Name: airbft
Address: Shuangdian Industrial Park, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (Nantong factory of Songjiang group)
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@qq.com

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