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发表于 2020-9-24 16:52:44 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Chrysler 300C construction preparation airbft pneumatic shock absorber three stage memory version airbft silent pump

进口克莱斯勒300c,秉承“大胆创新 自成潮流”的品牌理念,克莱斯勒品牌携其旗舰产品——全新进口克莱斯勒300C,重返中国市场。这款全新300C无论在设计、性能还是做工品质,都将“非同质化”的造车理念发挥到极致。

The imported Chrysler 300C, adhering to the brand concept of "bold innovation and self trend", has returned to the Chinese market with its flagship product, newly imported Chrysler 300C. This new 300C will bring the concept of "non homogeneity" into full play in terms of design, performance and workmanship quality.
For the new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs and international elites who have achieved success through innovation and wisdom, promoted and led the development of their own industry trends, and have the courage to show their own unique characteristics and personality, it provides a "non homogeneity" luxury performance car.
According to reports, the imported Chrysler 300C is the most luxurious product in the history of Chrysler's brand, which has invested 1 billion US dollars. So far, it has won 56 awards from overseas authoritative organizations, including not only the title of "the most worthwhile model to buy in 2012" in North America, but also the "best Kress in the past 20 years" by consumer report, the most authoritative consumer guide in North America Le sedan ". It is worth mentioning that the imported Chrysler 300C has won the "world's top 10 interior decoration" and "double top 10 engine" awards.

The so-called refitted vehicle, according to my personal understanding, is two refitting routes, performance and posture. Of course, there are many modified players who want to give consideration to both performance and posture. This is a good idea, but it is very difficult to really achieve it. In the future, we will take a special opportunity to discuss the issue of not having both performance and posture. Today we're going to talk about the ultimate weapon of the attitude line modified vehicle, pneumatic shock absorption.

Airbft pneumatic version special barrel body is produced by Taiwan SF shock absorber factory. Shanghai airbft pneumatic shock absorber operation center provides the most accurate model data, customizes the pneumatic version barrel body, and guarantees 100% special vehicle use. Each model of airbft pneumatic shock absorber has been strictly tested and adjusted, with accurate installation position and perfect comfort, so that players can pursue the ultimate posture at the same time Force for you to create perfect comfort and control, let pneumatic shock absorption is not embroidered pillow, real practical perfect.

像AIRBFT专车专用皮囊,所采用的天然胶成分比轮胎天然胶成分还要多!单个疲劳次数3百万次到5百万次,正常使用3-5年没有问题!所有的气囊都是经过严格的测试设备来进行试压 饱压才能配套出售!在皮囊的卡箍环节经过高压力的锁紧设备压紧,正常试压在200PSI,防爆破!皮囊外层有防腐蚀 防雨水 防沙尘 耐磨材料层层保护!给你最安全的保障!
Airbft special airbag:
Like airbft special car special leather bag, the use of natural rubber ingredients than tire natural rubber ingredients more! Single fatigue times 3 million to 5 million times, normal use of 3-5 years no problem! All air bags are sold after full pressure test! The clamp part of the leather bag is compressed by high-pressure locking equipment, and the normal pressure test is at 200psi, explosion-proof! The outer layer of the leather bag is protected by anti-corrosion, rain, sand and dust resistant materials! Give you the safest protection!

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛

Company name: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd
English Name: airbft
Address: Shuangdian Industrial Park, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (Nantong factory of Songjiang group)
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com

微信:ACCU-AIR  关于安装或使用过程中出现的任何疑难杂症,ACCUAIR气动避震运营中心 李洋 为你答疑解惑 13262966665

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