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发表于 2020-9-11 14:35:15 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

BMW 3 series f30-f35 pneumatic shock absorber barrel new sample special price 3000

从1916年BMW公司创立至今已有104年的历史,这一品牌的诞生不仅丰富了世界汽车工业史的篇章,还开创了独一无二属于BMW自己的独有造车智慧因此, 还开创了独一无二属于BMW自己的独有造车智慧。一个汽车品牌能够经历百年世间变化而长盛不衰,拥有优秀的产品是必不可少的条件;而另一方面,BMW一直以来对品牌文化的探索和追求也是不可或缺的宝马3系 。首先, 更多的在于“眼缘”和对品牌的向往。摆在我们眼前的是 F30宝马3系, 随之而来的是无与伦比的运动风格和驾驶乐趣,这无疑使宝马3系赢在了起跑线上。当宝马史上最经典车系的无疑能使很多消费者对它一见钟情。
It has been 104 years since BMW company was founded in 1916. The birth of this brand not only enriches the chapter of the world automobile industry history, but also creates the unique unique car making wisdom of BMW. Therefore, it also creates the unique unique car making wisdom of BMW. A car brand can experience a century of changes in the world and remain prosperous forever, so it is necessary to have excellent products. On the other hand, BMW's exploration and pursuit of brand culture is also an indispensable part of BMW 3 series. First of all, more lies in the "eye edge" and the yearning for the brand. In front of us is the F30 BMW 3 series, followed by the incomparable sports style and driving fun, which undoubtedly makes the BMW 3 Series win in the starting line. When BMW is the most classic car series in the history of BMW, it will undoubtedly make many consumers fall in love with it at first sight.

直到如今,坊间流传的俗语“开宝马,坐奔驰”至今仍是许多人尊崇的信条。而宝马也对3系 宠爱有加,毕竟它也不希望这块金字招牌毁在自己手里。因此,改装玩家普遍对宝马3系的操控有着更高的要求。
Until now, the popular saying "drive a BMW, ride a Mercedes Benz" is still a creed respected by many people. And BMW also dotes on the 3 series. After all, it doesn't want this gold lettered signboard to be destroyed in its own hands. Therefore, refitting players generally have higher requirements for the control of BMW 3 series.

In fact, pneumatic shock absorbers have two parts: control system and shock absorber! Control system is probably electronic components, shock absorbers are dedicated to special vehicles, only leather bags! Here is the mental obstacle! Pneumatic shock absorber is an essential element in VIP or hellaflush style, and its lifting function is indispensable in this low lying style, which is the special feature of pneumatic shock absorber suspension.

气压避震,通过改装四支“气压避震+控制器”从而达到在车内随意调节车身高度的目的,很多品牌高端配置车型也会有,它叫做“空气悬挂” 差别在哪?升的没气压避震高,降的没气压避震低,升降速度没气压避震快。通常超跑 高端suv顶配才有的配置。

Pneumatic shock absorbers, by refitting four "pneumatic shock absorbers + controllers" to achieve the purpose of adjusting the body height in the car at will. Many high-end configuration models of many brands also have them. What's the difference between them? The rising is not as high as the air pressure shock absorbers, and the falling ones are not as fast as the air pressure shock absorbers. Usually, the top configuration of super high-end SUV is available.

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛

Company name: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd
English Name: airbft
Address: Shuangdian Industrial Park, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province (Nantong factory of Songjiang group)
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com

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