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宝马G20低姿态改装 AIRBFT气动避震魅力打造









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发表于 2021-3-24 15:36:11 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
宝马G20低姿态改装 AIRBFT气动避震魅力打造
BMW G20 low profile modified airbft pneumatic shock absorber to create Charm
宝马G20整车车身进行了全面放大, 全身设计让它能显著改善气流和气动外形。改装气动避震悬挂效果更是达到完美姿态,一起来欣赏改装AIRBFT气动避震低姿态的宝马G20有多美!
The BMW G20 vehicle body has been fully enlarged and designed to significantly improve the airflow and aerodynamic shape. The effect of modified pneumatic suspension is even more perfect. Let's appreciate how beautiful the BMW G20 with modified airbft pneumatic suspension is!
一低遮三丑是近年来车友们常常挂在嘴边的一句话,而HellaFlush 更是将这句话演绎到极致的一种改装风格。在HellaFlush风格的改装车中,除了对轮毂的J值、ET值以及夸张的Camber等参数极其讲究,剩下的一个重要问题就是降低车身了。那么很多朋友就会直接选择绞牙避震,因为绞牙避震既能降低车身高度,还能提供给车辆充足的支撑性,一举多得,受到不少车友的欢迎。不过对于HellaFlush的那些终极玩家来讲,绞牙避震早已经不能满足他们对“低”需求,所以气动避震(充气式避震器)便凭借着它的能屈能伸的本领赢得了这些终极玩家的芳心
In recent years, one low cover three ugly is a sentence that riders often talk about, and Hella flush is a modified style that deduces this sentence to the extreme. In the hellaflush style refitted car, in addition to the J value, et value of the wheel hub and exaggerated camper and other parameters, the remaining important problem is to reduce the body. So many friends will directly choose the tooth suspension, because the tooth suspension can not only reduce the body height, but also provide sufficient support for the vehicle, which is very popular with many riders. However, for Hella flush's ultimate players, the twisted tooth shock absorbers have long been unable to meet their "low" needs, so pneumatic shock absorbers (inflatable shock absorbers) have won the hearts of these ultimate players with their flexible ability
1. HellaFlush的中心思想就是Offset is everything。轮毂使用比正常值更加外张的Offset值,使得轮毂超出车身翼子板所能覆盖的范围。
2. 轮眉与轮毂要达到尽可能小的间距,要完成这个任务,车身要被降低到一个不符合日常使用的高度,以至于有些HF风格的车根本没法开,参展的时候只好用拖车拉过去ORZ。至于怎么降低车身,倒是没有一个标准,气动避震、绞牙避震、短弹簧,甚至改装羊角,你可以为了达到目的不择手段。
3. 作为前两点的结果,轮胎想要不被翼子板蹭爆,就必须使用比轮毂宽度窄的规格,令轮胎边缘内缩,以至于可以完全藏在翼子板内,当然翼子板也可以根据轮毂突出的程度,作出一定幅度的内卷或外扩。
4. 如果要比有态度更有态度,轮胎的倾角值也不能走寻常路,负2度(也就是轮距上部分较窄,下部分较宽)起跳,方法可以是调倾角摇臂、垫片、改动羊角。总之不能和正常人一般见识。
5. 轮胎拉伸是指窄的轮胎安装在超宽的轮毂上绷出来的效果。想要达到这种效果非常不容易,选择多款的轮胎也要根据轮毂的宽度严格计算。因为,过宽的轮毂配上较窄的轮胎,当轮胎充气的时候可能会错位,所以能不能让轮胎按正确位置绷在轮毂上就要取决于技师的改装水平了。
The main features of hellaflush are as follows:
1. The central idea of hellaflush is offset is everything. The wheel hub uses an offset value that is more stretched than the normal value, so that the wheel hub is beyond the coverage of the body fender.
2. The distance between the wheel eyebrow and the wheel hub should be as small as possible. To complete this task, the car body should be lowered to a height that does not conform to the daily use, so that some HF style cars can't drive at all, so they have to use a trailer to pull the orz. As for how to lower the car body, there is no standard. Pneumatic shock absorbers, twisted teeth shock absorbers, short springs, or even modified sheep horns, you can do anything to achieve your goal.
3. As a result of the first two points, if the tire wants not to be rubbed and burst by the fender, it must use a specification narrower than the width of the wheel hub, so that the edge of the tire can be retracted so that it can be completely hidden in the fender. Of course, the fender can also be rolled in or expanded to a certain extent according to the protruding degree of the wheel hub.
If the inclination of the wheel is narrower than the normal, you can also adjust the take-off angle. In a word, we can't see eye to eye with normal people.
5. Tire stretch refers to the effect of the narrow tire installed on the ultra wide wheel hub. It's not easy to achieve this effect. Choosing a variety of tires should be strictly calculated according to the width of the wheel hub. Because, too wide hub with a narrow tire, when the tire inflation may dislocation, so can let the tire according to the correct position taut on the hub depends on the technician's modification level.

公司网址:http://hellaflush-china.com 气动避震论坛
English Name: airbft
Company website: http://hellaflush-china.com Pneumatic shock absorber Forum
Company contact: 13262966665
Email: 981731567@QQ.com

微信:ACCU-AIR  关于安装或使用过程中出现的任何疑难杂症,ACCUAIR气动避震运营中心 李洋 为你答疑解惑 13262966665

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